BridgePointe Christian Church

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Summer Kickoff Baptism Stories

On Sunday June 11th, BridgePointe kicked off Summer Together at Bristol Town Beach. We had food, fun, caught up with friends, and had a chance to make some new ones. Five people made the decision to be baptized as their next step in following Jesus. 

John's story is one of not having any interest in church due to an incident of abuse by the church to a family member. After years of apathy and avoidance, BridgePointe became a place where for the first time, John felt that he wanted to attend on Sundays and was able to make the decision to pursue a relationship with Jesus. 

Paul has been coming to BridgePointe for a short while, and was very excited for the opportunity to be baptized.  For him baptism is a bold step to go all in for Jesus. 

Jamie and his wife Fatima made the decision to be baptized to say no to a life without God and to silence the demons of addiction and fear that have been tormenting them. As they made the decision to say yes to Jesus and publicly commit their lives, they are praying to turn over a new leaf and find a newness of life that only comes by the Holy Spirit. 

You can see more lots more photos from the Kickoff on our Facebook page.